剛好看到KH NET有新資料,本人來充當一下翻譯…。
At the Tokyo Game Show, Square Enix announced it will release Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix + in Japan. The game will be based on the American release of KHII, meaning that all the voices are dubbed in English with Japanese subtitles. The game will also feature a few extra updates, such as additional event scenes, battles, and map secrets.
在東京電玩節,Square Enix宣佈會推出王國之心II最終混合版+。這個遊戲會以美版為基礎,即是英文配音日文字幕。遊戲也會新增一點新要素,例如額外的事件動畫﹑戰鬥﹑還有地圖要素等。
Fans of the Kingdom Hearts series will be interested to hear that Square Enix is releasing the game as a two-DVD set. The second disc will contain extra bonuses, including a complete PS2 remake of the Game Boy Advance game Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.
KH迷一定很有興趣聽到Square Enix公開KH2FM+會是2DVD套裝。第二隻碟會收入額外的要素,其中包括將會由GBA全面重製到PS2上的RE:COM。
The game will play with full 3D graphics, and some of the event scenes will feature voices (in Japanese, not English). Square Enix was scarce on details, but it promised that the remake would also have some other additions that weren't featured in the original GBA version. Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix + is slated for release in Japan in spring 2007.
RE:COM將會以全3D呈現,而有些場面會配上配音(日本配音而不是英文)。Square Enix也沒有透露太多消息,但已保證重製會加入一些GBA原版沒有的額外要素。KH2FM+暫定2007年春天在日本發售。
不是什麼新資料,不過也翻譯了。 資料來源:gamespot
另外貼一下logo。 KH RE:COM KH2FM+(請注意是有一個「+」在後面的←炸)
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